Back in the golden age of radio – well, the golden age of radio SALES – when ad reps had four-martini-lunch expense accounts and eight-martini-Happy-Hour slush funds, and payola wasn’t considered a premium form of whole-grain cereal…
Back in the good ol’ days, I’m told, there were legendary junkets whereupon a radio salesperson (like me) would take a client or two (like, say… representatives of a gigantic, world-dominating, Internet search-engine and a cool web start-up) to an out-of-town location… perhaps a concert? Then said sales rep would ply them with hookers and crackpipes… or at least concert tickets and copious schwag that would resemble a Texas-high-school football recruit’s haul of Camaros and underage cheerleaders back in the glory days of the Southwest Conference.
… And then, and only then, would they proceed to make some memories.
Business may or may not have been discussed… but much fun would have been had by all, and bonds would have been posted by shady organizations, and perpetrators would have been released from the county lockup under the cover of unmarked taxicabs, and vaccination records would have been doctored to protect the innocent, and then (and only then) would the “OUT OF TOWN RULE” have come into play – the “OUT OF TOWN RULE” being the precursor to “What Happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”
This was, after all, the 1970s… when I was about 6 (years old).
Fast forward 30 years… to the following true story (or not) of the most debauched and depraved National Public Radio junket ever undertaken (actually, probably the ONLY NPR junket ever undertaken that did not involve Diane Rehm reciting Shakespeare at a poetry slam or Robert Siegel singing Kum-Ba-Yah at a vegan protest).
You thought you’d heard the stories about Carl Kassell doing the Macarena atop the bar at Coyote Ugly… You’d caught whispers of Susan Stamberg filling a bathtub with her family’s cranberry relish and Tanqueray gin… You claimed you saw a grainy photo that purported to be Corey Flintoff doing bong-hits in Fred Flintstone pajamas… And yes, on YouTube, you’d searched, however fleetingly, for records of Scott Simon singing the theme song to Shaft at a karaoke drag bar in Sao Paolo.
He’s a bad mother- Shut your mouth! … But that was before Stacy B found her way to San Jose.
Draw the acid bath, fire up the rubbing alcohol eyewash, prepare to scour your ears, and read on if you dare:
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