One thought on “I’m Stan!

  1. Stacy Bee,
    Apparently you have no honest friends, as it seems no one has responded to your invitation to “tell me who YOU are.” Well, at YOUR invitation I took the test. After answering the best I could, which involved some answers as Good Boy and others as Bad Boy, to my horror I found out I was Marjorie. That’s right, Rockin’ Bob is a blond with curly hair. Thank you sooooo much, Stacy Bee! And to think I practically made it all the way through this earthly existence without discovering that “I may be mistaken” (ZZ Top). I know, denial is not a river in Egypt. Anyway, I thought the best thing to do at that point was TAKE THE TEST OVER. Apparently there is plenty of demand from other simllarly scarred test-takers that they make it easy to do. So I took it over. And I answered every question in my Bad Boy persona. Kill the hippy. Free R Kelly. Yell at the boy in the road. Et cetera. To my great relief, I found out I am Chef. I was hoping for Cartman, but apparently it was the “Football sucks” answer that killed that. Anyway, I’m Chef, got that. If I so much as hear “Margie” and tittering behind my back ….

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