“Hi Stacy, it’s Chi from the National Marrow Donor Program. I have a question about your pregnancy test.”
Pardon me, I just lost bowel control.
One doesn’t have questions about a pregnancy test. It’s pretty much a binary, foregone conclusion: Yes / No. On / Off. + / –. You either are or you aren’t.
Given that my husband has had a vasectomy, and that I have had a uterine ablation which rendered my insides a rocky place where a super-seed escapee from a statistically improbable, failed vasectomy could find no purchase, Chi’s question about my pregnancy test means we have bigger problems than my making a bone-marrow stem-cell donation for an anonymous cancer patient:
Baby Jesus is second-coming out of my vagina. Prepare for the Apocalypse… NOW!
Continue reading The Lonely Donor, Part II: In Case You Were Wondering, I’m Not Pregnant